Earlobe Repair
Earlobe repair is a plastic surgery procedure. A person’s earlobes greatly impact the proportions and aesthetics of the face.
Earlobe Repair Surgery Procedure
The earlobe repair procedure is a fairly simple one, performed under local anesthesia. First, your doctor removes any overstretched or damaged skin. Next, the lobe is stitched back together with stitches to form a natural shape. After 7 days, the stitches are removed.
Methods vary, but most surgeons use clamps and vertical mattress sutures to minimize the risk of doing nothing. Lastly, the wounds are dressed with antibiotics and sometimes gauze that remain in place for several days to decrease the risk of infection.
Earlobe repair surgery helps fix the following issues:
Saggy earlobes from years of wearing heavy earrings
Unsightly earlobes from improper piercing technique or infection
Natural congenital deformities in the shape and size of the earlobe
Traumatic injury to one or both earlobes resulting in deformity or scarring
Enlarged holes from intentionally stretching or gauging the ears for fashion